Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Barriers Of Entrepreneur s Face - 2386 Words
Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, once said, â€Å"All you need is a laptop or a PC and an Internet connection and you can pretty much do almost anything and create almost any type of company.†While it is true that technology has made it easier for people to start their own companies, there are many barriers that people face in becoming entrepreneurs. While there are many barriers that entrepreneur’s face, I will focus on the psychological, financial, legal, market entry, and human barriers to starting a business. The reason I choose these is because they cover a majority of the larger issues that owners face starting a business. While some entrepreneurs may have it in them to over come all of these barriers, a good amount of them will struggle turning their small business into a larger more successful business. The second part of this paper we will analyze the probably of an entrepreneur taking his or her small his and transforming it into a l arger. Ultimately, the question I want to answer in this research paper is: What are the barriers people face starting their own business, and once they start it what are the chances of it developing into a successful full time operation? While people think of great ideas everyday, not everyone has the ability take that idea and execute it. A lot of the time the reason is psychological. People have this mental blocks inside their head. According to an article from, there are seven pivotal mentalShow MoreRelatedFactors That Affect The Health Of Small Business And Entrepreneurship982 Words  | 4 Pagesstronger than ever, but they also face newer and more challenges or inhibitors to their growth than their older counter parts. This research will attempt to find the answer to the following hypothetical question: What are the barriers to entry, inhibitors to growth, and detriments to the health of small business and entrepreneurship today? Access to capital and credit at various stages in the business life cycle is identified as the major hurdle by the entrepreneurs. For many small firms and most start-upsRead MoreWhy Entrepreneurs Start Their Own Business1676 Words  | 7 Pagesdeveloping society. The term ‘entrepreneur’ is becoming increasingly common amongst individuals in society. Living in a constantly developing world, with rapid technological, environmental and social changes that effect the way we live means the modern man is constantly seeking new and innovative ways to adapt to these changes. During this research paper I will discuss my findings of what the motivations are of an entrepreneur to start a business. Having interviewed an entrepreneur, I got a sense of howRead MoreErnest Shackleton And The Epic Voyage Of The Endurance1694 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferent roles which could be related to what is happening today in organizations. He raised funds for the Endurance expeditions during their exploration of the Antarctic, interviewed and hired his crew members and showed great leadership spirit in the face of various problems faced. The review of the case study attempts to answer the following questions in relation to the Epic Voyage and its similarities to leadership and entrepreneurial activities today. 1. In what context should the EnduranceRead MoreComparison Between E-Business and Traditional Business1559 Words  | 7 Pagesrespect to the macro-environments. The macro-environment components can influence the way entrepreneurs use the internet to coordinate export businesses. Analysis of the macro-environment comprises of cultural, economic, competition, political and legal factors that affect the way business transactions are made today. CULTURAL CHALLENGES In the cultural dimension, traditional business entrepreneurs will face a major challenge. In this case, infrastructure cost is what worries traditional businessesRead MoreA Study On Female Entrepreneurs1487 Words  | 6 PagesChapter 1 Introduction The main aim of this study is to explore how female entrepreneurs have managed to open new ventures and also coping with the entrepreneurial system in the UK. Initially, women want to be part of the entrepreneurship activities and studies shows that the rate of women entrepreneurs is increasing (Brush et al, 2006). Gender discrimination is no longer a taboo in this twentieth century (Butler, 2003). 1.1 Research background In today’s business world, entrepreneurship is fundamentalRead MoreReflective Essay1072 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Enterprise and Business Development BABS Year 2 21023656 Reflective Essay With reference to appropriate academic sources compare and contrast your own personality and characteristics to those found in entrepreneurs. 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Entrepreneurs turn their dreams and imagination into reality throughRead MoreHow Skilled Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Beneficial?1510 Words  | 7 Pagespart, this particular group is becoming more prominent due to the fact that many are becoming entrepreneurs, especially in the Silicon Valley. Thus, I am interested in finding out how skilled immigrant entrepreneurs are beneficial in numerous aspects such as economic growth, innovation, public policy and societal changes. Moreover, I want to explore what challenges and opportunities these immigrants face and how their involvemen t within Silicon Valley provide a beneficial influence for growth. OneRead MoreThe Impact Of Tourism On Tourism And Hospitality Business Essay1215 Words  | 5 Pagesvery different from that in other economic sectors. Specifically, the vast majority of entrepreneurs in tourism is lifestylers, meaning that they are not motivated by economic factors (Morrison et al., 1999). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Relationship Between Individual Interests And Collective...
Olson states the purpose of a group is to further the interests of its members. (Olson, 1965; 5) This is not a new idea; Aristotle believes â€Å"men journey together with a view to particular advantage†¦ providing some particular thing needed for the purposes of life, and similarly the political association†¦ for the sake of the general advantages it brings†. (Ethics, VIII.9.1160A) Olson notes particular instances of this, for example, Labour Unions are expected to strive for higher wages and better working conditions. (Olson, 1965; 6) He talks of the relationship between individual interests and collective interests; all the members of a labour union have a common interest in higher wages, but each worker has a unique interest in his personal†¦show more content†¦Each firms’ interest are also contrasting; the more one firms sell, results in a lower the price for the other firms. While each firm has a common interest in a higher price, they have oppo sed interest where output is concerned. In order to illustrate this, Olson makes some assumptions; he assumes price (P) exceeds marginal cost (MC) and that P is inelastic. As P MC, output will increase, and as output increases all firms increase production so price falls. The industry demand curve is inelastic meaning Total Revenue (TR) of the industry will decline. Ultimately, when PMC, output is increased but each firm gets a smaller profit. (Ibid, 9) Alternatively, each firm can increase output to the point that P=MC and so ignore the effects of its extra output on the industry. It can do this because in perfect competition, each firm is so small that it can ignore the effects of output on price. The firm will get only a small part of the benefit from reducing the firm’s output; although the firm is worse off, it has maximised profits. (Ibid, 9) However, if the firms in an industry are maximising profits, the profits for the industry as a whole will reduce. The firms have a common interest in a higher price for the industry’s product yet it is in the interest of each firm that the other firms pay the necessary cost of reduction in output, which is needed to obtain a higher price. (REFERENCE) As no firm wants to do this, outside intervention is the only way ofShow MoreRelatedInterpersonal Communication Essay569 Words  | 3 Pagesis usually because you do not know the context information internally and because cl ose relationships cannot be created in an instant. Low context cultures are fairly easy to enter, even if you are an outsider; the information you need to participate is available, relationships form quicker, and because the most important thing you’re doing here, is to accomplish a task not find your way into a relationship. Every culture and every situation has its high and low points; some situations may evenRead MoreProblems Facing Trade Unions in Kenya845 Words  | 4 PagesCollective bargaining generally includes negotiations between the two parties (employees’ representatives and employer’s representatives). Collective bargaining consists of negotiations between an employer and a group of employees that determine the conditions of employment. Often employees are represented in the bargaining by a union or other labor organization. The result of collective bargaining procedure is called the collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Collective agreements m ay be in theRead More The Social Construction of Workers’ Collectivism1655 Words  | 7 Pageslargely on increased member participation, generating and maintaining strong collective identities and mobilization of union resources. It was further contended that collective identities are not given, but constructed and sustained through narrative framing and engagement of individuals. These processes highlighted the importance of trade union leaders’ ability to construct and sustain workers’ collective identity and interest via strategies which seek to broaden the relevancy of trade unionism. InRead MoreCollective Action Problems And Solutions Essay966 Words  | 4 PagesCollective Action Problems Incentives Required For Individuals to Work Together Collective action problems arise in politics because as individuals we are conflicted between our own interest and the interest of the group. Our choice is either to be selfish or cooperate with the group. â€Å"It involves building, combining, mixing, and amalgamating people’s individual goals†(Lowi, et al. 13). There are three main theories as to why collective action problems exist. First, according to Mancur OlsonRead MoreAnalysis of The Logic of Collective Action Public Goods and The Theory of Groups by Mancur Olson745 Words  | 3 PagesAnalysis of The Logic of Collective Action Public Goods and The Theory of Groups by Mancur Olson Mancur Olson, wrote The Logic of Collective Action Public Goods and The Theory of Groups, throughout the book Olson discusses such topics rationality, group size and group behaviour, public goods, free rider, collective action problem, and selective incentives. Olson’s world-renowned book is full of useful knowledge and opinion concerning world politics. After reading this valuable text I feel bothRead MoreAn Analysis Of Mill s Utilitarianism And The Impossibility Of The Purely Selfless910 Words  | 4 PagesSelfless†Act in Kant’s Categorical Imperative John Stuart Mill’s utilitarian philosophy defines the importance of maintaining the greater good of society through collective and individual actions. This type of consensus defines the social contract between the larger social order and the flexibility of these institutions to allow individual actors to amalgamate their opinions and viewpoints as part of healthy interaction in society. Mill defines the greater good of society as the primary goal of theRead MoreKarl Marx s Class Theory1687 Words  | 7 Pagesas well as relatively indistinctive state it has stayed categorized between classes which conflict in the pursuit of class interests. In the capitalist world, for instance, the factor which is the just but the nuclear cell as regards the capitalist system, becomes the key antagonism locus between classesâ€â€between labor power buyers and sellers, between exploiters and exploitedâ€â€in place of functional collaboration. Class interests and the power confrontation s that they introduce is to Karl Marx theRead MoreThe Differences Between Local Governments And Political Machines1258 Words  | 6 Pagesencountered. The increased population required more solutions to solve problems regarding the distribution of resources as well as public services. In many ways, the political machines provided solutions to individuals in urban cities, but it was only done in exchange for votes and did not solve collective problems the cities faced. Reformers who wanted to change the inadequate and corrupt governments that existed in cities attempted to do so by recreating the rules and structure of local governments. TheRead MoreThe Refugee Crisis : A Humanitarian Issue1421 Words  | 6 Pagessituation has led to widespread disagreement between the EU members, while emphasizing that the outcome of this dispute is one that would have wide reaching repercussions not only for the refugees, but also for the countries that have made the decision whether or not to help the refugees. Though the article is diverse in its theoretical underpinnings, it may be effectively analyzed using the concept of values and identity, more specifically with respect to collective and organizational identity, and socialRead MoreRousseau s The Social Contract1588 Words  | 7 Pagesall differentiate between a general will, and a more personal, individual will. However, Rousseau’s and Marx’s theories of a general will, or collective being have discrepancies in both the origin and implications of general will and individual will. Rousseau defines general will as a collective desire to advance society towards a common goal. However, Rousseau warns that ignoring the general will and pursuing one’s own selfish personal will is dangerous not only for an individual, but can also ultimately
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Withered Arm Essay Example For Students
The Withered Arm Essay The two main characters, Rhoda Brook and Gertrude Lodge, which the story The Withered Arm is based on, are very different. Rhoda Brook is a single mother and is feeling alone and unloved. She is always suspicious of what is happening. She feels guilty if she does something wrong and cannot say no if some body asks her to help them. An example of this is when Rhoda thinks she is to blame for the markings on Gertrudes arm, she also doesnt really want to go see Conjuror Trendle with Gertrude about her arm, but she cannot say no. She isnt really good looking and she is thirty-five years of age and has been divorced once from Farmer Lodge. We will write a custom essay on The Withered Arm specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now She is poor and always has and her job as a milkmaid doesnt pay much, especially when she has to try to support herself and her son. Where as Gertrude Lodge has just been married to farmer Lodge, she doesnt work, but isnt poor as she relies on her husband. She is very pretty and is young. She doesnt feel lonely, but feels deeply in love. Both Rhoda Brook and Gertrude Lodge are connected in the fact that they have both at one time in their life felt deeply in love with Farmer Lodge and have both married him when they were young and pretty. Hardys story is about two women, Rhoda Brook and Gertrude Lodge, who dont even know each other. Rhoda hears about Gertrude and becomes jealous because she has married ex-husband. Rhoda has a dream about Gertrude and she ends up throwing her across the room. The next day Rhoda sees marks on Gertrudes arm and wonders if it was her fault. As you can see Hardys stories are all about families, the conflict, the break up, and even divorces and remarried ones. It is every day life problems, just with a little more imagination. Question and Answers Rhodas background with Farmer Lodge is that she used to be married to him and also had a son with him. She also married him when she was young and pretty. But Rhoda has always been poor. Rhoda worked on Farmer Lodges farm, but as a milk lady, she was very unhappy and has been for most of her life, as mentioned in chapter one. She is a Lorn milkmaid, meaning a very unhappy milkmaid. They broke up and got divorced because Farmer Lodge Thought that Rhoda was in a too much lower class than him. Probably more the reason was that she wasnt young any more and her good looks were fading. This left Rhoda sad and lonely, not earning a lot, and has to try to support herself and her son. Gertrudes background with Farmer Lodge is that she has just recently married him. She has married Farmer Lodge when she is young and pretty she feels deeply loved and not alone. She doesnt work but relies on her husband. Even though she relies on her husband, she has always been wealthy. She is friendly and quite quiet, is always wants to know what is happening. Rhodas dream is about Rhoda asleep then Gertrude coming into her bedroom and showing Rhoda her, the wedding ring. Gertrude teases Rhoda with the ring and keeps on showing it to her. Gertrude then with her left arm strangled Rhoda. In desperate struggle Rhoda swung Gertrude over the bed and onto the floor leaving scratch marks on her. Rhoda then woke up disturbed and scared. When Gertrude visits Rhoda she doesnt wear silk like in Rhodas dream. She wore normal light coloured clothes with a basket on her right arm. Rhoda thought she was going to be evil and mean. .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 , .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 .postImageUrl , .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 , .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884:hover , .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884:visited , .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884:active { border:0!important; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884:active , .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884 .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0fd4b26e093425036fd66930c4765884:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Things Fall Apart Characters EssayBut then Gertrude pulled out a pair of boots and gave them to Rhodas son and said Here you go just like I promised, then Rhoda all of a sudden changed her mined and started to find out that Gertrude was kind and gentle. Gertrude does have marks on her left arm and it starts to get infected. It soon becomes all wrinkly and withered. Gertrude is very upset about this and starts to feel Farmer Lodge is falling out of love with her because of her arm. Gertrude hears that Rhoda might know someone called Conjuror Trendle. She then goes with Rhoda to see him. But Rhoda is confused about the fact that people in the town where saying that she knew about Conjuror Trendle. Rhoda was starting to think that she might be a witch. Gertrude goes to see him and he tells her that he cannot do anything but he can show her who did it. *SIX YEARS LATER* Gertrude is still looking for a cure for her withered arm. So she decides to go to Conjuror Trendle to see if he has find out any thing new. Unlike last time he has a cure but it is disgusting and horrid. What she has to do is to put her arm against a newly hanged persons neck. Rhoda on the other hand has received news that her son will be hung for arson. Rhoda writes to Farmer Lodge to tell him about the news. She arranges to meet Lodge at the jail where they will see their son get hung. Gertrude also heard of a mans death of which he was going to be hung. So she decides to turn up. She puts her arm on the mans neck then from behind she hears somebody shout What are you doing here? Gertrude turns around and sees Rhoda and Farmer Lodge crying. Rhoda then tells her that it is their son. Gertrude then faints and dies, probably from shock, but her arm did heal. Conclusion The two characters are very different in the fact that they have different reactions to certain things and the way they need to know what is happening. Rhoda is definitely the bravest, but Gertrude is the most independent. Gertrude has got the worst fate even though Rhoda has lost her son. I think Gertrude is an innocent victim and I dont think Rhoda was evil. I probably prefer Rhoda the best because she is very brave and very helpful, she also is quite independent, and works very hard.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Information System Management in Sally Beauty, Inc.
In the information society of the XXI century, managing data is a very complicated task. In order to analyze not only the internal factors that affect the production process of a company, but also the outside factors, such as competition, demand and opportunities for expansion, one will have to consider its process of information acquisition and transfer. This is where information system management principles are to be applied.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Information System Management in Sally Beauty, Inc. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Owing to a proper use of information system management principles, Sally Beauty, Inc. managed to succeed in the highly competitive business of selling to licensed beauty professionals. According to the company’s vision and mission, its staff is focused on delivering its merchandise of the finest quality to their customers (Sally beauty Holding Inc., n. d.), which foll ows the principles of ISM quite closely. Business-driven MIS is used in the given case to â€Å"adapt to technological advances and innovations†(Baltzan, 2011, p. 2). The goals of the company are also in accordance with the MIS principles; however, more clarity on the methods, with the help of which the company is going to implement its goals, could be provided by Sally Beauty, Inc. While the company staff claims that they are willing to utilize latest technology, the means in which they are going to are still not quite clear. Arguably, this technology is used in order to provide the services of the same quality in the USA, Canada, the UK and Mexico by enhancing the cooperation between the affiliates; however, Sally Beauty, Inc. staff never state it explicitly. Apart from being used as a highly efficient tool for improving the company’s inbound and outbound logistics, ISM also serves a number of purposes and incorporates a variety of elements. By defining the key ones , one can embrace the plethora of opportunities that ISM provides for an ordinary company. Business intelligence is an interactive method of information system management. Enterprise resource planning is the process of arranging the company’s resources reasonably.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Customer relationship management is a range of methods in which relationships with customers can be established. Data mining is an umbrella term for methods of information acquisition. Intelligence systems are sets of principles in accordance with which data mining can be carried out. Judging by the methods that the Sally Beauty, Inc. uses in its process of information acquisition, processing and transfer, its method of business intelligence can be defined as auto-delivered intelligence, since the information is clearly delivered in an interactive manner. By communicating dire ctly to the customers and analyzing the information that comes from surveys and opinion polls, the company manages to provide the services that clients need. Consequently, various strategies of customer relationship management are utilized in the process. The traditional top-to-bottom structure makes the company vulnerable (Mcfarlan, n. d.), yet relatively stable in the market. One of the most peculiar details about the way in which the company structures its relationships with customers is that its staff prefers to build their strategies of communication with their clientele. While admittedly risky, the given approach allows for enough flexibility and helps meet the needs of each customer in particular, which is highly appreciated by the target audience and attracts even more clients to the Sally Beauty, Inc. the company’s negligence of the rest of the strategies can be explained by the absence of necessity to resort to numerous strategies, since business intelligence seems efficient enough. Reference List Baltzan, P. (2011). Management information systems: Business driven MIS. In P. Baltzan (ed.), Business Driven Information Systems. New York City, NY: McGraw Hill/Irwin. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Information System Management in Sally Beauty, Inc. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mcfarlan, F. W. The new strategic weapon: Information technology. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Publishing. Sally beauty Holding Inc. Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SBH). Web. This essay on Information System Management in Sally Beauty, Inc. was written and submitted by user Keith V. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Word Choice Around vs. Round
Word Choice Around vs. Round Word Choice: Around vs. Round Are the words â€Å"around†and â€Å"round†interchangeable? Yes. Except for when they’re not. The problem is that these terms have several uses between them, but only some uses overlap. To make sure your written work is error free, then, check out our guide to using these words correctly. Around and Round (Positions and Movements) We typically use â€Å"around†to describe the position or movement of something. This can include any of the following: Moving in a circular motion or following a perimeter Surrounding or being surrounded by something Being near to or in the general proximity of something In each of these cases, â€Å"around†works as either an adverb or a preposition. We can see how each use works in practice in the examples below: We started by walking around the edge of the field. There were trees all around. We checked to see if there were any farms around. We can also use â€Å"round†in any of these sentences. For instance: We started by walking round the edge of the field. There were trees all round. We checked to see if there were any farms round. When discussing the position or movement of something, then, you can treat â€Å"around†and â€Å"round†as synonyms. However, â€Å"around†is usually the better choice in formal writing. Approximations and Rounding Another use of â€Å"around†is as an adverb meaning â€Å"roughly†or â€Å"approximately.†For example, we could say: I have around $150 to last the next month. But even if we can use â€Å"around†in relation to numbers, this should not be confused with â€Å"rounding†a number up or down. Nor is it the same as describing something as a â€Å"round number†in math. Other Uses of Round The word â€Å"round†has other uses as a noun, verb, and adjective. As a noun, for example, it can mean any of the following: A stage in a process or competition (e.g., A round of golf†¦) Something cut into a circle (e.g., Pastry rounds†¦) Drinks bought for a group of people (e.g., I’ll get the next round†¦) A shot from a gun (e.g., They fired three rounds into the air†¦) As a verb, meanwhile, in addition to â€Å"rounding†a number, it can refer to: Moving around something (e.g., Rounding a corner†¦) Forming something into a circle (e.g., He rounded his lips and blew†¦) Finally, as an adjective, it can mean â€Å"circular†or â€Å"plump.†In short, â€Å"round†has a lot of meanings! However, we cannot use â€Å"around†in its place for any of these noun, verb, or adjective uses. Summary: Around or Round? While â€Å"round†can be an informal alternative to â€Å"around†when used to describe the movement or position of something, this is not the case with other uses of these words. Remember: Either around or round can be used to describe the movement or position of something. However, â€Å"around† is more formal. We also use around to say that something is a rough estimate, but we cannot use â€Å"round†as a synonym in this case. The word round has many other uses as an adjective, a noun, and a verb. However, you cannot use â€Å"around†in its place for these uses. So it is only with respect to movement or positioning that these terms are interchangeable. And if you’d like help checking you’ve used these terms correctly, just let us know.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
What to Do If Your College Friend Is Bullied
What to Do If Your College Friend Is Bullied In this article we’re going to take a look at some â€Å"safe plays†you can depend on should a bullying issue come up with someone you’re close to. These days it’s no joke. Our point here is to make sure you’re informed and you can cover your freaking ass as well. And, with that said let’s get right to it. 1 Examine Whether It’s an Isolated Incident or an Issue Honestly, saying the word â€Å"bully†these days on campus is like saying â€Å"bomb†on an airplane. People don’t just go throwing it around or jumping to conclusions. If your friend hasn’t been roughed up physically, then take the time to evaluate the matter closely. Was is coincidental or situational in nature? Is it likely to happen again, or has it been going on for a while? Is your friend overreacting†¦honestly? Furthermore, the last thing you want to do is to cause a bunch of drama or potentially label someone a bully only to find out that it was all just a big misunderstanding. And secondly, people today need to be a little more resilient. Sometimes these situations are points in the road that define our characters. Confrontations, if they don’t get violent, are a part of life. If it’s an issue, confront your friend about it. If a serious physical, emotional, psychological or verbal abuse is taking place, then you need to confront not the bully, but your friend about it. What’s up? How long has this been going on? How serious is it? Why haven’t they stood up for themselves yet, or if they have, why haven’t they sought help up to this point? Let’s be honest, many times it’s the weaker that get picked on. Weaker in many different senses of the word, not just physically. This type of treatment wears down on us and takes its toll, especially when we’re younger. 2 Figure Out If It’s Possible to Confront the Bully Without Making Things Worse No, you shouldn’t â€Å"confront†anyone on a social media channel. That’s just downright childish. Confrontations should ideally happen in controlled and safe or public environments where a physical encounter (otherwise known as big trouble) can be avoided. Is it possible to simply confront this person and in the matter of fact ask, â€Å"Why are you bullying me/my friend?†Put them on the spot. Don’t be afraid to confront them publically if they are indeed a bully and no one has had the guts to do it yet. Oftentimes this can be the wakeup call that â€Å"bullies†which are human being too, need. But, if it’s likely to cause trouble or just doesn’t seem like the smart play then avoid the person or group and skip to the next strategy. There’s no reason to put your or your friends safety at risk. If the goal is revenge, or is anger-based then step back and take a deep breath. These days is this really something you want to risk? Colleges are deathly afraid of bad press, and bullying is a paramount issue that no colleges want to be attached to. 3 Take Advantage of Any College Mediation Counselors or Services Chances are your college has mediation counselors and services that can pretty much take care of the situation for you. They’ll arrange the confrontation in a highly controlled environment. 9 times out of 10 mediation services get things worked out without more trouble. And, there’s absolutely no shame in turning to them. Again, â€Å"bullying†is like kryptonite. Everyone wants to avoid it. These people are trained to solve problems. If you’re a freshmen or sophomore living in dorms there’s probably a mediation counselor for your dorm. Regardless, the perpetrator will know afterwards that they’re on watch and their college career is now â€Å"on the radar†so make sure that contacting mediation services is warranted. 4 Don’t Even Think About Retaliating in a Way That Will Create a Much Bigger Problem To be blunt, the cops could so easily get involved and if they do then you’re in for some serious trouble if you’re a part of the shenanigans. And here’s the elephant in the room: school shootings. The sad fact is that they’re way too common these days they’re oftentimes connected to some form of bullying. No one’s saying you’ll do anything like that, but if you or your friend start talking tough or saying retarded things about retaliating someone is likely to take you at your word, call the cops and you could have a full-on swat team invade your dorm room. This is serious! Don’t retaliate. Be an adult and do things the right way. And, if your friend is out looking for trouble that could jeopardize your life and your goals, then maybe you should reexamine your friendship? What do you think?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers - Assignment Example Sri Lanka is basically a pear shaped island situated in the Indian Ocean between 5-54'N and 9-52'N latitudes, and longitudes of 79-39'E and 81-53'E. The island was originally a part of India that got separated with time by a channel and now is only 35 kilometers of wide at its narrowest. The entire region of Sri Lanka is famous for its cultivation, monsoonal climate, green lavish tea producing farms, elephant breeding, and biological parks. Sri Lanka has always been very famous also because of the highest literacy rate of its population that was supposed to be above 90% in 1990s according to its census. Apart from all these delicacies, natural inheritance, and scenic beauties; there is a dark side of the island as well, which is known as the Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers. The following information will reveal more details about the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka with necessary details and descriptions. The Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers can also be referred to as Liberation of Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Tiger Movement, Air Tigers, Eellalan or Ellalan Force, Sangilian Force, Black Tigers, Sea Tigers, Tiger Organization Security Intelligence Service (TOSIS), or Women's Combat Force of Liberation Tigers (WCFLT). This league or liberation party is a militant organization originally based in northern Sri Lanka and was founded in the year 1976. The main purpose and objective of this organization is to actively fight violently secessionist campaign in order to seek independence for Tamils in the shape of a Tamil state in the north and east side of Sri Lanka. This is one of the longest running and unsolved violent conflicts in Asia that has not solved till date and has get into the Sri Lankan civil war as well. At present, the Tamil Tigers are identified as a terrorist group or organization by almost 32 independent countries who regard them as terrorist. This is because of the fact that Tamil Tigers are involved in the well-organized militia cadre, and are dishonorable of carried out violence against civilians and normal people, including elimination and murder of many Sri Lankan and Indian politicians and high-ranking officials. They train adults and children simultaneously and help them to become Tamil Tigers and fight against the government to seek independence by utilizing violence, gunshots, fires, bombings, and suicide bombing as well. They even made use of modern
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Multi Channel Merchandising Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Multi Channel Merchandising - Case Study Example In this report, the case study is chosen to a health care hospital, a service industry. The Heath care facility chosen for the case study is UK Health care, one among the best in UK. UK HealthCare is the patient care enterprise of University of Kentucky Medical Center. UK HealthCare consists of the medical, nursing, health sciences, public health, dental and pharmacy patient care activities of the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky, and in several off-site locations. It has one among the best health care facilities in the world. It utilizes the expertise of various faculty of University to provide the best possible service to its patients. The physicians, residents, staff and students take pride in achieving excellence in patient care, education, and research and community service. With all its world class facilities, it provides the most advanced patient care and serves as an information resource for the whole industry. UK HealthCare is part of an academic medical center that has a thriving research community. Medical advances are frequently made in a wide variety of health care disciplines. All the elements of UK HealthCare's strategic plan for the future focus on one ambitious goal: achieving Top 20 status among all academic medical centers nationwide. UK HealthCare is committed to providing the highest-quality and safest patient care possible.UK health care is becoming a medical destination where the patients can seek the best in specialty and subspecialty care. Their demand for health care is ever growing within the industry. UK HealthCare is more than just a hospital and a physician practice. As a major health resource for the region and the state, it is an organization dedicated to providing the most advanced and comprehensive patient care underpinned by cutting-edge medical research and the education and training of tomorrow's health professionals. UK HealthCare facilities include UK Chandler Hospital, Kentucky Children's Hospital, UK HealthCare East, Kentucky Clinic, Polk-Dalton Clinic, Kentucky Clinic South, 80 specialized clinics, 143 outreach programs, and a team of 6,000 physicians, nurses, pharmacists and health care workers all dedicated to patient health. It includes some of the highly acclaimed centers, including the Center for Advanced Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery Center, Radiation treatment facilities and Transplant Center. The unique capabilities of this health care facility is it ability to combine multispeciality group to enable care providers of UK HealthCare to provide multidisciplinary teams for patient care. Such teams are useful for managing complex medical and surgical cases. The Hospital also pioneers in various departments of health care and serve as a resource center for the local health care community. It attracts patients from many countries with its state of art facilities and the capability to treat any health care problems. Current State of Industry: In a 2007 report by the Commonwealth Fund, the UK was ranked first among six developed countries for its provision of healthcare, in relation to quality of care, access, effectiveness and efficiency. Healthcare services have contributed to some dramatic improvements in the health of people in England and Wales over the last 20 years. This is attributed to the improvements in health care facili
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ralph and Jack in The Lord of the Flies Essay Example for Free
Ralph and Jack in The Lord of the Flies Essay Question 1 There are a number of differences and a few similarities between Jack and Ralph. First of all the main similarity is the fact that both boys are roughly the same age. Then furthermore, there is the fact that both pf them are boys. In addition their share the quality of leadership, or in other words both of them have the abilities to be a leader. Then on the other hand there are the numerous differences they in clued; different style of leadership, different believes, maturity, and the symbol that they represent. Jack and Ralph have a very different style of leading. Ralph has a democratic leadership and Jack is more of a dictator figure. Then furthermore, there is the difference of believes, Jack believes that the main objective on the island is to hunt and Ralph believes that it is to be saved. Then there is the maturity, Ralph is more mature that Jack. And the last difference in the symbols that these characters represent, Jack represents the bad side of human nature and Ralph represents the good side or democracy. Question 2 Piggy represents intelligence and thinking. This idea is proven through out the whole book, until his death. Fist of all there is the fact that because of Piggy the boys were able to create the fire. The secondary, idea is the fact that Piggy acts very mature through out the book. He is even more mature than Ralph. Piggy comes up with ideas that not a single other boy had though of. For example there is the fact that Piggy though of the sundial. Furthermore there is the idea that Piggy constantly reminds Ralph of their objective to the island, and which is to be saved.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Right Key :: Free Essays Online
The Right Key Today many common, everyday functions are governed by punching the right keys. Whether you are "surfing" the World Wide Web or making a long-distance phone call, you essentially press some type of key to manipulate some form of technology. This ability to manipulate technology can be considered a "literacy": a mastery of the specific skills and knowledge required to use technology to a person's advantage. Because of their widespread use in everyday life, a literacy of different forms of technology is a necessity for people today. The ability to use some form of technology to your own advantage is to be technologically literate. Technology encompasses everything from computers, the World Wide Web, and e-mail to telephones, cash machines, and library cataloguing resources. This definition implies just a working knowledge and familiarity with the technology in the world today and not a complete, in depth knowledge. A knowledge is mandatory for all because technology is constantly surrounding people today. Computers and related objects are now used by not only scientists and engineers but also students and parents. A knowledge of how to search the World Wide Web can be useful when a student is looking for references for a report. Checking a bank account balance over the phone can be a useful skill for a parent with little time. Both skills however require a literacy of computer, telephone, and banking technology. In my own experience, a technological literacy is essential in my life: there is not a day where I do not use some form of technology. Not only do I use a long distance code when calling home but I also acquire money to pay my phone bill from a cash machine. I frequently e-mail friends at other colleges and have an electronic meal plan on my college ID card. When writing papers I do research with the on-line library catalog and actually write my paper on my computer. If I did not know how to use these forms of technology I would certainly not be able to pass my english class. Thus for people who are illiterate technologically their lives become more complex and at times difficult in a world which is very dependent on technology. If you urgently need money at midnight, and do not know how to use a cash machine, can you wait till the bank opens in the morning? A person can only search for references on a computer and save themselves large amounts of time if they know how to use a computer.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Market Entry Strategy Essay
Limited Brands, parent company to Bath and Body, currently employs an integrated marketing plan for its distribution of the Bath and Body product line (L Brand International Strategy 2014, Para 1). This strategy could be combined with the prospect of a joint venture for a successful expansion into the United Kingdom market. Integrated marketing channels can be challenging to manage but they are the most effective way to connect marketing and customer service, providing benefits for both company and consumer (Ellis, 2011). A successful integrated market entry strategy starts and ends with a focus on customers. The needs of the customer must be the top priority, because the success of the company depends on the loyalty of the customers it attracts (Ellis, 2011). Bath and Body is already a well-recognized brand in many different parts of the world, providing a starting point for market entry (L Brand International Brand, 2014, Para 2). It is also important for this strategy to be effective that all aspects of the company from manufacturing, distribution, and sales are operating together. This step requires effective constant communication. Each channel to the customer has strengths and weaknesses, using the strengths of one to offset the weakness of another will assist the company’s customer effectiveness while reducing overall costs (Ellis, 2011). Bath and Body has a well-established product chain that provides products at many price points. This allows for the expansion to test different markets with smaller trials, then capitalize on the areas where customers purchasing. SWOT Analysis The method of measuring a companies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is SWOT analysis. This method assist companies in making decisions by providing decision makers a straightforward way to analysis both internal and external information pertaining to company operations or potential expansions (SWOT Analysis, 2014). Analysis of potential expansion to the United Kingdom by Bath and Body provides potential strengths of recognized brand imaging, reasonable price points compared to current options, customer loyalty, and providing of job opportunities in a recovering market. Weaknesses include competitive market, department stores carrying similar products, and the lack of a green product line. Market opportunities include the availability of e-commerce, social media, and understanding of the market. Threats include outside competition, lower priced products in market, and a recovering economy. References Ellis, D. (2011, September 7). 5 components of a successful integrated marketing strategy. Social Media Today. Retrieved on February 28, 2014, from L Brands. (2014). International Strategy. Retrieved on February 28, 2014 from SWOT Analysis. (2014). Investopedia. Retrieved on February 28, 2014, from
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Benefits of Recycling
Recycling has been around for generations, sometimes in different forms, but still around. Earlier generations preserved food items, a unique form of reducing, or recycling (Blashfield and Black). Most people see recycling as throwing paper, plastic, glass, and other items into a blue bag then throwing it on the street for a local company to dispose of; however, others reduce and reuse items to recycle and make items last longer. Recycling has been proven to make a difference in many aspects of materials and energy. According to Nicky Scott, â€Å"The energy saved from recycling one glass bottle will operate a 100-watt light bulb for four hours.†Recycling doesn’t have to be complicated and tedious; it can be easy and very beneficial. As society has grown and the impact of the economy has set in, recycling has become more popular. Many people are seeing the gracious financial, economical, and useful benefits of recycling and its components. Not only are individuals recyc ling, but businesses are too. â€Å"Greening the office will therefore have significant benefits environmentally and financially†¦as many other businesses have experienced†(Clift and Cuthbert 1). Businesses are realizing, as well as individuals, the positive effects of recycling.The benefits of recycling are endless. Virtually anyone can accomplish the task and make a positive change while doing it. With so many items that can be reused or recycled, every person should recycle. According to Nicky Scott â€Å"thirty percent of America now recycles. †Everyone in America should recycle because it helps the environment, benefits society as a whole, and is a cost effective choice. Recycling efforts have been proven to help the environment we live in. Reducing, reusing, and recycling truly help the environment and essentially preserve it.Simple items such as composting help the environment. â€Å"Recycling and composting diverted nearly 70 million tons of material aw ay from landfills†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (National Recycling Coalition). Another major component to the environment that benefits from recycling, or its sub-parts reducing and reusing, are the trees in the environment. Essentially, the more paper products people use, the more trees are needed to supply this habit. Supply and demand play a key role in waster and recycling. If one ton of paper is recycled, twelve trees can be saved.Destruction of forests occurs whenmore paper is needed and trees are cut down, therefore, using less paper reduces this destruction. (Nicks J). The global environment also is positively effected by recycling, or reducing and reusing. Carbon emissions are put out everyday by coal mines, cars, houses, and other buildings. By reducing, a part of recycling, the usage of heat, or energy, can substantially help the environment. â€Å"Recycling benefits the air and water by creating a net reduction in ten major categories of air pollutant†(National Recycling Coalit ion). Many pollutants can be eliminated or diminished if everyone simply recycles or reduces.Many people drink items out of an aluminum can. Aluminum is one of the easiest items to recycle, and it also takes 95 percent less energy to recycle aluminum than it is to produce it (National Recycling Coalition). This reduces the negative effect on the environment greatly. Main energy sources such as coal, methane, and oil will not last forever, maybe hundreds of years, but not forever. Recycling helps preserve sources of energy and other products for future generations and people (Bainbridge). The benefits of recycling on the environment are endless.Simply math calculates that the benefits outweigh the negatives. For future and current generations to recycle is a must, the benefits prove that the environment is a major beneficiary of the efforts to recycle. After all, facts are facts, and recycling has been proven a fact to benefits the environment we all live in. Opposing viewpoints and other sources claim that by not recycling, the environment benefits more than if someone does recycle. Although there are many benefits to recycling, there also are some negative aspects, as with any situation.Opposing viewpoint states, â€Å"Curbside recycling is substantially more costly and uses far more resources†¦This means more iron ore and coal mining, more steel and rubber manufacturing, more petroleum extracted and refined for fuel†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Opposing Viewpoints 81). This negative effect to the environment is focused on the emissions put out and material used, not the natural environment. Recycling, in some cities although, can be somewhat costly and unorganized. Some people also claim that recycling can be harmful to the natural environment.Recycling sites and places at landfills for recycling can become dirty and unhygienic if managed improperly. The chemicals the recycled material puts of can be harmful if not taken care of precisely. The rainwater also can mix with the material making an especially uncleanly environment, if not organized effectively (Nicks J). If recycling is not managed or organized properly, as with any program or organization, negative effects will occur. Minor oppositions and negatives are associated with recycling, but with anything in life, there are always a few resisting aspects.The environment benefits greatly from recycling by reducing emissions, saving trees and destruction, and preserving wildlife that lives in the environment. Most recycling plants are managed by professionals and attain the highest level of organization; this diminishes many hazards that are caused by mismanaged material. Recycling and composting materials has been proven to benefit and nourishes the environment, not create hazards and risks (Kalenberg). Also, recycling programs cost less to run than landfills or other â€Å"dumping†organizations.â€Å"Well-run recycling programs cost less to operate than waste collection, landfill ing, and incineration†(National Recycling Coalition). These costs also indicate that fewer emissions are put out because many recycling centers are located where the everyday traveler is going, reducing the amount of time a car is running and creating emissions. Recycling also cuts down the need for more energy to be created, reducing emissions in the air and helping the environment. â€Å"Recycling used materials reduces energy requirements in many manufacturing processes such as refining and mining†(Nicks J).By cutting down the destruction and emissions mines, plants, and factories cause, the environment is enhanced not hindered. Another reason why recycling is beneficial and not a hindrance to the environment is pollution. Everyday, in any situation, aluminum cans, plastic containers, and paper products are thrown, not into a garbage can, but out into the environment. People who litter cause many damaging effects to the environment. With recycling, this problem is diminished; there is no garbage lying around and the environment prospers.Recycling is an enormous and outweighed benefit to the environment, not a restraint like Opposing Viewpoints and others claim it to be. Next, recycling is a must because it benefits society in many positive ways. Recycling has become more popular every year because of social and convenience benefits. More people of society are realizing the benefits of recycling. â€Å"The recycling business continues to expand at a faster rate as more and more people are emphasizing the need for eco-friendly surroundings†(Bainbridge). Another benefit to society is the â€Å"lead by example†teamwork aspect.Many people lead byexample and come together for a certain cause. In many cities and towns across the United State, this cause is recycling. People come together, which is a great social benefit. â€Å"Any place you goâ€â€school, church, club, businessâ€â€can become a place where you can get recyclin g activities started and get other people caring about the Earth†(Blashfield and Black 117). Recycling has been proven to bring members of a community together to support a cause, on of the most marked benefits of recycling. Many large cities also have gotten into the realm of recycling, realizing the benefits, but also leading by example.â€Å"New York City leaders realized that a redesigned, efficient recycling system could actually save the city $20 million and they have now signed a 20-year recycling contract†(National Recycling Coalition). Recycling also is very easy to accomplish and virtually anyone can do it. Simply digging a hole and putting many garbage items in it, then covering it up with dirt provides an easy and beneficial compost site (Kalenberg). Recycling is so easy that many children can get involved. Children love to help; recycling also can be a game for children, putting certain items where they go.â€Å"Children really like the idea of recycling (and composting)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Scott 35). Blue bins and bags also make recycling very easy. Most people can recognize a blue bag and put recyclable materials (represented by three arrows) into the bag, an idea that is simple and easy. Three key â€Å"R†words also make recycling simple. Reduce, reuse, and recycle combine to create the perfect and simple reminder for recycling. Many household and common products can be recycled in some way. Taking wire hangers to a second hand store or giving them to a steel center is a simple recycling fix (Scott 39).Recycling has been proven to benefit different because it is very easy and provides many widespread social benefits. Opposing Viewpoints, however, claims that recycling is not beneficial to society in any aspect. Some sources say that a recycling program can be unorganized and confusing. Some social negatives towards recycling are also presented. â€Å"Despite the many thousands of curbside recycling programs†¦packaging w aste still account for between 35 and 40 percent of the household waste†¦Americans don’t care enough about recycling, it seems†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Opposing Viewpoints 42).Socially Americans will not become environmentally conscious until all of our energy and consumable resources are used up, Opposing Viewpoints also claims. Some people find recycling confusing by sorting out certain materials, deciding what to recycle, and how to go about recycling. Opposing viewpoints adds, â€Å"Mandatory recycling programs aren’t good for posterity. They offer mainly short-term benefits to a few groups†¦Recycling may be the most wasteful activity in modern America†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Skepticism is only represented when little evidence is to prove against recycling.Other groups believe that certain types of recycling can also be complicated and tedious. â€Å"There are different kinds of plastic and one has to sort them systematically†(Nicks J). Different materials call for different types of action when recycling, considered a negative view to some. Very little penalties contribute to the effects of recycling on society as a whole. Minimal negative benefits are present to society; however, the positive benefits of recycling to a society outweigh the minimal negatives. â€Å"It seems†does not contemplate a fact or something solid when arguing a point, the first mistake on the Opposing Viewpoints side.Also Nicky Scott states, â€Å"360 million plastic bottles were recycled in 2002. †This shows how many people are taking advantage or recycling because it is very easy. The number shows that each day over 1 million bottles are recycled! Socially, it is important to take care of future generations; daughters, sons, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on are the future of America. For these generations to thrive and make the world better, resources are needed, and we need to start preserving them now. Americans and leaders are not wait ing for energy sources to become fully used before recycling.â€Å"Many cities now collect part of the trash for recycling†(Blashfield and Black 15). This shows how society is starting to influence government and cities to do what is right for society. Also, with more people recycling, the packaging waste would be cut down dramatically. Over 80 percent of all the plastic products we use end up in a landfill somewhere (Scott 68). Recycling plastic and reusing plastic cans cut this number dramatically and the need for processing anymore. Also, sorting through recycled material is very easy. Labels on the products (usually a three arrow diagram) explain how to recycle the item.Most directions in recycling are simple and easy. When in drought, put an item with your already recycled material. â€Å"Remember the three Rs of 3RC. Reduce the waste you make. Reuse those items your can. Then, recycle everything possible†(Blashfield and Black 29). The claims that have been made against the benefits recycling can provide for society are merely statements, not facts. Recycling has been proven to help society in aspects ranging from convenience to social bonds. Attempts to nullify these benefits lack research and observation.Recycling is also very economically smart because it costs less and provides more jobs. A conscious financial decision can be to recycle. From a multi-million dollar corporation, to a family in a small town, recycling has been proven to be financially beneficial. Companies are very smart and often set a trend for many Americans. â€Å"Thousands of U. S. companies have saved millions of dollars through their voluntary recycling programs. They wouldn't recycle if it didn't make economic sense†(National Recycling Coalition). Reusing items, reducing consumption of energy, and recycling old products save money, plain and simple.Each time a product can be cut back or reused, is one less time more money has to be spent. Recycling also p ositively effects society by creating more jobs. Research and development can also benefit from recycling by creating fresh and new ideas. â€Å"It [recycling] stimulates the development of eco-friendly technologies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Bainbridge). Private sector jobs that are created almost every day to help research and conduct recycling programs along with other recycling-involved jobs create almost 1. 1 million careers in the United States (National Recycling Coalition).This helps stimulate the economy and creates American jobs, which stay in America. Recycling and buying recycled materials also helps to cut down costs. If more items were recycled or made out of recycled material, the cost of a product would be dramatically reduced. â€Å"Roughly 30 cents of every dollar consumers spend on packaged goods goes towards paying for the packaging†(Scott 12). Recycling can be very cost effective to companies and families when accomplished correctly. Some companies and organization s can even increase productivity to become more competitive in a certain market by recycling, reusing, and reducing.Companies in society can benefit from recycling and reducing. Overhead costs, energy costs, water bills, and other expenditures are cut down when recycling and reducing is involved; sales and productivity also are increased due to a good recycling reputation and cost minimization (Clift and Cuthbert 1-2). Also with the current economy recycling is beneficial. Reusing, a part of recycling, can be a very smart financial decision. If materials are reused and recycled, the need to purchase new items decreases. This is very beneficial in an economy that is recovering from a recession, and when budgets are tight.â€Å"Recycling helps families save money, especially in communities with pay-as-you-throw programs†(National Recycling Coalition). Programs all over the United State are designed to make sense financially and economically. A simple task, such as using less p aper towels for clean-up by using and recycling cloth rags, can be a conscious cost decision also. Opposing Viewpoints, however, claims that recycling is not beneficial to society in any aspect. Some sources say that a recycling program can be costly and not a financially sound decision for society.Opposing Viewpoints states that in Ann Arbor, MI the cost of a recycling program is around 1,014,000 dollars, and with other costs associated the program costs over 400,000 dollars more than a typical garbage program (Opposing Viewpoints 103). Others also claim that certain types of recycling are costly and not economically smart for a program. â€Å"Paper recycling can be a bit costly, as additional industrial processes such as bleaching, are required to make the paper reusable†(Nicks J). Recycling programs have also been accused of being expensive to maintain and enforce.Opposing viewpoints also claims that curbside recycling is 35 to 55 percent more than disposing of an item. T hey also state, â€Å"Using less of one resource usually means using more of another†(Opposing Viewpoints 81). This statement refers to recycling and the benefits of it. Some sources agree that recycling costs more than a generalized landfill, or garbage program. Others claim some of the items and products that are made of recycled products can be costly because some items cannot be used, even after being recycled. â€Å"There is no guarantee that the new recycled product obtained will be of good quality.This is because recycling involves manufacturing products from used materials†(Nicks J). There is a slight risk that is associated with recycling and the products that come as a result of a recycling program. Overall, little evidence is presented on why recycling is not beneficial to the American society. Although mismanaged recycling programs can be costly, most recycling programs cost less than a traditional garbage system. Using words like â€Å"usually†of ten result in a lack of research and representation, concluding why the opponent used these words.Opposing Viewpoint’s information for society was based on one city, Ann Arbor. This cannot speak for the entire nation; it is one cities bias towards recycling. The facts that benefit economically outweigh the opinions of the opponents. Society does benefit from recycling with regards to economic interests. Compared to the landfill industries, recycling is definitely more beneficial. â€Å"Recycling creates four jobs for every one job created in the waste management and disposal industries†(National Recycling Coalition). Creating jobs can be one of the most important blessings to society economically and socially.According to Ross Bainbridge recycling is beneficial to society because it offers financial and social benefits such as cutting costs and increasing production for some businesses. Although, the opponent claims that recycling costs more than other programs, there is no support or statistics to support these findings. On the other hand research has been done to prove otherwise. â€Å"Well-run recycling programs cost less to operate than waste collection, landfilling, and incineration†(National Recycling Coalition). Many curbside programs cost no extra money at all.The recycled items are placed beside garbage and are disposed of at the same time. Despite the faulty claims by opponents of recycling, organized recycling programs have been proven to be cost effective and economically comprehensive. Recycling programs are beneficial and continue to be. The benefits of recycling are endless. Many benefits offer no reason not to recycle. Every person should recycle because it helps the environment, is economically sound, and benefits society. With so many items that can be reused or recycled, every person should recycle.Recycling also is very simple and easy to do. Even many children and teens are getting involved with the revolutionary pro cess. According to Nicky Scott thirty percent of America now recycles. An increase that has happened in just a few years. Everyone should to recycle and help this figure grow until every American is recycling and witnessing the benefits of it. Everyone also should recycle because it benefits the natural environment, provides many positive effects on society as a whole, and is very cost effective. Benefits Of Recycling The highly material intensive nature of the modern industry has led to huge resource consumption and compilation of large amount of industrial and municipal waste leading to depletion of natural system, erosion of earth’s resource base, global warming, rise of sea level, deterioration of environment, and increasing extinction rate of animal life, causing severe impairment to earth’s ability to support the human civilization in its current framework.The dangers presented by the unchecked growth and resource consumption became manifest to the world in 1985 after the discovery of the ozone hole over Antarctica that informed the global community of the urgency of problem. As a consequence and in the response to the challenge presented to humanity’s future by its own march towards development, leaders of world met in June, 1992 in Rio De-Janeiro in the first earth summit where against the current pattern of development, sustainable development was identified as the re quired path for the world to follow.One of the important aspects of sustainable development has been recycling of products and waste. Benefits of recycling for society Recycling as a process holds important place in the course of sustainable development for any society. As an activity, its relevance extends beyond a goodwill action to one that holds crucial environmental, economic and social significance for the society and the country (Pellow, Schnaiberg, Winberg, 2000).Recycling helps to constitutes a perfect model of social and urban development where resource consumption is optimized and needs for new material contained while production is maintained at the same levels, thereby driving up the profits and quality of life in the urban communities. The urban community in the post industrial phase has been swamped by the problem of municipal waste and garbage, which has taken menacing proportion, both from the point of view of making valuable urban landscape as redundant as well as causing significant environment damage.In the initial phase of recycling that started in 1960s, it was an avenue for employment for the marginalized section and profit making opportunity to many private entrepreneurs. The hauling, collection and dumping of garbage was a big problem for municipalities of many cities and was considered an unnecessary drain on their already constrained financial resources, causing deterioration in quality of city life.As the private entrepreneurs saw opportunity in the business of waste management and trash disposal they developed professional expertise in gaining maximum value out of the waste that was an important step in emergence of recycling (Pellow, Schnaiberg, Winberg, 2000). In the forthcoming years it was realized that recycling was also an important tool with tremendous potential to reduce the human pressure on environment, land and natural resources that were strained due to continued cycles of consumptions and waste production over years (Y oung, 1995).It was a vital break from its image of a ‘just a do good activity’ to one that was fundamental to driving economy and society on a new path. Environmental benefits of recycling Various studies in industry and academic circles have reported that recycling is among the most effective techniques to reduce the threat of greenhouse gases, contain global warming and alleviate the dangers of extreme climatic change that the world is facing (Benefits of Recycling, 2005).These studies point out that as reusable material is made available through recycling prevents the environmental damage that the fresh extraction of these materials would have caused. Further it also saves the amount of energy, water and other raw materials that are considerably higher in manufacturing of virgin products than recycling. The Department of Environment and Conservation conducted a comprehensive study on the feasibility and benefits of recycling of some of most used substances which are (Benefits of Recycling, 2005) (a)Paper/Cardboard; (b) Liquid paperboard; (c) Glass;(d) Aluminum, (e) Steel;(f) PlasticIn addition, research has also shown the usefulness of recycling for solid and municipal waste and water in optimizing the resource use without compromising with the requirements of the society. The major environmental benefits of recycling are in the area of 1. Green house gases. Recycling helps to contain the extraction of resources and limit the release the green-house gases thereby helping to reduce global warming. The gases whose emission is commonly controlled and mitigated by recycling processes are (a). Carbon Dioxide; (b) Methane; (c) Nitrous Oxide and (d) Oxides of sulphurMost of the households in world use considerable amount of products that are easily recyclable, such as paper and cardboard. Their recycling prevents thermo mechanical pumping of wood, a process that releases gases like carbon-di-oxide and methane in the atmosphere leading to greenhouse ga ses concentration. Similarly useful results come from recycling of glass, which is third in weight proportion among all recyclable materials. Manufacturing of fresh glass requires treatment with soda wash and lime, that contribute significantly to the concentration of greenhouse gases.Recycling of aluminum also saves cutting down in emission of many environmentally harmful gases and products that cause global warming. 2. Energy savings: Energy consumption has been recognized as environment conservation, as it’s the disproportionately greater flow of energy through natural systems that is causing problems of greenhouse gases and global warming. Recycling helps to greatly improve energy efficiency by reducing the energy demands otherwise required for manufacturing and processing of virgin materials.As most of the heat required for creation of products such as paper, cardboards, and packaging materials is obtained through burning bio-mass, recycling become significant in both th e protection of the bio-mass, increasing earth’s capacity to contain carbon dioxide as well helping to reduce the production of carbon-dioxide and methane. Water savings: Decreasing fresh water resources have become a cause of global concern. The scarcity of drinking is already prominent many Asian and African countries, and its estimated that it would effect even the developed European, American and Pacific countries in the eventual run.Among the sectors consuming fresh water, industrial processes emerge as the primary users as well as pollutants of the rivers, lakes and other fresh water resources. Recycling of substances, especially plastic materials and products, results in saving of enormous quantities of fresh water that is otherwise wasted in first batch production. Industrial benefits Recently attempts have been directed towards improvement in recycling process through introduction of recycling parks and recycling industrial zones, that are based on generic concepts o f reuse and recycle etched in the industrial ecology framework (Pellow, Schnaiberg, Winberg, 2000).A recycling industrial park or zone contains a host of facilities and technical features such as solar power inputs, waste reduction technologies, refinery, greenhouse gases monitoring plant, and central heating plan. All of these facilities are integrated in a system design that helps them to share and transfer energy and waste, thereby minimizing the requirement and production of them. Further, the wastes produced in one process is used as input material for another processes (ibid).Paper industry and aluminum industry have been among the foremost users of recyclable products, introducing structural changes in their operation and functional modes to help them use the huge amount of recyclable material that was available through just one decade of emphasis on recycling (Young, 1995). The increasing prices of aluminum raw materials and wood also made recycling a very prospective and co st cutting option for these industries. As a result, in New York alone, whereas the annual cost of disposing newspaper was $ 6 million every year until 1992, recycling made it a profitable business generating over $ 30 million from 1994.Business and industries are also more focused on recycling after a general social consciousness towards environment that has increased the demand of recyclable products. Hazardous and municipal waste management United states produces enormous volumes of solid waste, a great part of which is hazardous and presents serious risks to health of people if left unattended. The problem of managing hazardous waste became a challenge for government and civic administration in 1970s as it required landfills and incineration at wide scale, thereby creating the dangers of severe land pollution and air pollution (Needleman, 1994).In response the EPA instituted policies that started to govern unchecked disposal of hazardous wastes in landfills and encouraged compan ies towards using a significant part of the recyclable material, causing a significant reduction in amount of waste being disposed (Needleman, 1994). It was immediately recognized in the civic administrative circles that by far, recycling was the cheapest and most convenient method of waste management, as well as promising avenue to boost economic development.Consequently various city administration and states have taken steps towards financing measures, tax assistance and technical help to promote recycling on a wider platform (Young, 1995). Various facts related to benefits of Recycling Various informative facts related to benefits of recycling are (Benefits of Recycling, 2007) 1. One ton of paper made from recyclable material helps to save 17 trees, 7 gallon of water, approximately 460 gallon of oil, 590 pounds of air pollution, 3 cubic yards of landfill space and 4 kilowatt hours of energy.Effectually it results in reduction of air pollution by 74 percent, water pollution by 35 percent and energy consumption by 64 percent. 2. Recycling of aluminum helps to save every year around 19 million barrel of oil. For a comparative analysis, this is equivalent to energy supplied to about 18 million household every year. 3. Recycling one glass bottle saves energy that is sufficient to light a 100 watt bulb for four hours. 4. Recycling one ton of plastic helps to save energy that is equivalent to 1100-1200 gallons of gasoline. 5. Use of recycled aluminum to make cars decreases the comparative air pollution by a margin of 95 %.6. More than 41,000 tress could be saved every day in US alone if all the newspapers published in a day are recycled. 7. Recycled motor oil helps to reduce dependency on the imported oil. 8. Recycling industry helps create a number of jobs, helping in growth of economy in generating income as well as cutting costs. According to the Office of Federal Environmental Executive, Recycling and remanufacturing industries have helped to create more than one million jobs in the economy and their aggregate revenues have been over a staggering $ 100 billion (EPA, 2006).Further, the industry has a rich job profile offering employment to part time and low level workers to top management personnel and scientists. Recycling industry is also instigating discovery and invention of new research and development techniques to utilize greater number of materials as recyclable products, along with keeping the process of recycling cost incentive, so that it is able to compete with the mainstream industrial production processes on the real-time scale of quality, cost and profits.Conclusion As the recycling industry is maturing and creating its own niche, it has become evident that the industry holds enormous potential in restructuring the entire economic, environmental social paradigm. On the one hand the recycling industry helps to save precious and limited natural resources, while bringing down the cost of manufacturing, and on the other it crea tes hundreds of thousand of jobs as a full fledged industry in itself.By reducing the pollution of land, and helping to cud down greenhouse gases, recycling also plays a foremost part in containing the threats of global environment and securing the future of humanity on the path of consistent development and progress. Reference Pellow, D. N, Schnaiberg ,A. Weinberg , A. S 2000. Urban Recycling and the Search for Sustainable Community Development. Princeton University Press. : Princeton, NJ. Young, J. E. 1995. The Sudden New Strength of Recycling. World Watch. Volume: 8. Issue: 4. Benefits of Recycling. 2005. Department of Environment and Conservation.Accessed online on 16. 05. 2007. http://www. environment. nsw. gov. au/resources/2005140_gov_benefitrecysum. pdf Benefits of Recycling. Hamilton County Environment Services. Accessed online on 16. 05. 2007. http://www. hcdoes. org/sw/benefits_of_recycling. htm Economic benefits of Recycling. 2006. Environmental Protection Agency. Access ed online on 16. 05. 2007 http://www. epa. gov/jtr/econ/index. htm Needleman, B. 1994. Hazardous Waste Recycling under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act: Problems and Potential Solutions. : Environmental Law. Volume: 24. Issue: 3. Page Number: 971-1044
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Timeline History Of Russia 1533-1991
1533-1584 The Russian Empire, covering over one-sixth of the world, is governed by the sovereignty of Czar Ivan the Terrible. The feudal system oppresses every man, woman and child as the Czar releases "Tax Collectors" to maintain support for the nobles in the land. Brigands and financial extortionists persecute any lower class citizen who refuses to help contribute to the Czar's regime. 1682-1725 Under Czar Peter I (Peter the Great), the Russian Empire begins to flourish with traces of traditional social structure modifications in the country. Observing the radical advances of western civilizations, Peter orders the modernization of the army, creation of a navy, encourages mercantilism and foreign trade, and gives women more rights. Nevertheless, the Empire remains stricken in poverty over slow reforms and the overbearing presence of feudalism. 1825-1861 The feudal system begins to fail when the goals and desires of the common peasant cannot be achieved through such an archaic doctrine. Various successive Czars attempt social reforms which do not leave an impact on the country's well-being. In December of 1825, an uprising from the populace occures when they demand changes to the economic system. With the development of the American, French and Spanish constitutions, the serfs now demanded the abolishment of the monarchy dictatorship, communal ownership of land and many other civil and social reforms. Unfortunately, their rebellion was quickly dismantled by the Czar's military faction and the system remained in tact. 1861-1905 Czar Nicholas II finally realized that his current economic monarchy was holding back the development of the empire. He therefore created a parliamentary system in 1905 which would decrease the number of strikes and violent outbursts generating from the peasants. This representative assembly (called a Duma) was convened a t... Free Essays on Timeline History Of Russia 1533-1991 Free Essays on Timeline History Of Russia 1533-1991 1533-1584 The Russian Empire, covering over one-sixth of the world, is governed by the sovereignty of Czar Ivan the Terrible. The feudal system oppresses every man, woman and child as the Czar releases "Tax Collectors" to maintain support for the nobles in the land. Brigands and financial extortionists persecute any lower class citizen who refuses to help contribute to the Czar's regime. 1682-1725 Under Czar Peter I (Peter the Great), the Russian Empire begins to flourish with traces of traditional social structure modifications in the country. Observing the radical advances of western civilizations, Peter orders the modernization of the army, creation of a navy, encourages mercantilism and foreign trade, and gives women more rights. Nevertheless, the Empire remains stricken in poverty over slow reforms and the overbearing presence of feudalism. 1825-1861 The feudal system begins to fail when the goals and desires of the common peasant cannot be achieved through such an archaic doctrine. Various successive Czars attempt social reforms which do not leave an impact on the country's well-being. In December of 1825, an uprising from the populace occures when they demand changes to the economic system. With the development of the American, French and Spanish constitutions, the serfs now demanded the abolishment of the monarchy dictatorship, communal ownership of land and many other civil and social reforms. Unfortunately, their rebellion was quickly dismantled by the Czar's military faction and the system remained in tact. 1861-1905 Czar Nicholas II finally realized that his current economic monarchy was holding back the development of the empire. He therefore created a parliamentary system in 1905 which would decrease the number of strikes and violent outbursts generating from the peasants. This representative assembly (called a Duma) was convened a t...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Quotes About What a 50th Birthday Means
Quotes About What a 50th Birthday Means If you are turning fifty, my hearty congratulations on the golden jubilee celebrations! Let the wine pour and the music roll, as you watch your life unfurl. Now that you are free of several responsibilities, you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Here are some wonderful 50th birthday quotes to keep you rocking for the next decade! Victor Hugo: Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.TS Eliot: The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down.Sophie Tucker: From birth to age eighteen, a girl needs good parents. From eighteen to thirty-five, she needs good looks. From thirty-five to fifty-five, she needs a good personality. From fifty-five on she needs good cash.Coco Chanel: Nature gives you the face you have at twenty, but its up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.Elizabeth Cady Stanton: The heyday of womans life is the shady side of fifty!Bob Geldof: I do think I feel it but you dont think you are cause at a certain time you are no age but you dont think you are anything. You feel the life you have lived. I feel that. Its been a long fifty years.Dawn Wells: Just because a woman is over fifty does not mean she no longer has anything to offer. If anything, we have so much more to offer! We have lived life, we get better with age. I do my best work now in my 60s. Sure, I could retire; but what would I do? Play Bingo? I think not! Cindy Crawford: The face you have at age twenty-five is the face God gave you, but the face you have after fifty is the face you earned.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Understanding Students with Hearing Loss Research Paper
Understanding Students with Hearing Loss - Research Paper Example This paper deals with the said issue, teaching and learning relationship when the student has the problem of hearing. Understanding Hearing Loss Before hearing loss is explained, a brief introduction to the process of hearing is very important in the context of this research. The listening of a sound can be described in two basic notations, one being audition on the other being vibration. Audition is the hearing process; whereas; vibration is the interpretation of pattern, of air molecules on the ear drum. Sound itself can be divided into two parts. The first one is the frequency on the sound and the second one is its loudness. Being deaf means unable to hear any kind of a sound but this is not the only form of hearing disability. Hearing disability can be broker down into two main parts. One is deaf, which means that the person has a hearing loss of 70-90 dB and cannot hear with any kind of amplification. The second part is the person who has loss of hearing in the range of 20-70 dB but can hear with use of amplification devices. Both there forms of hearing disability can cause great stress in every-day life of a human as well as being the sole reason for slow learning of this person. The report looks into the methods of overcoming this disability and making these students in a classroom attain good grades and live a normal life (Ann, 1995). Communication between teachers and students on the same frequency is the only secret for the success of the teacher-student relationship, be it a normal one or one in which the student has some physical disability. There are many ways a teacher can communicate or transfer knowledge into the minds of a person who has a hearing disability. The first and foremost method is oral communication by enhancing or amplifying sound to develop language skills as well as understanding skills. After oral, the most used method is applied which is manual communication. In manual communication sign language or finger spelling is used. A universal sign language has been developed for the help of teachers and students alike. Finally the simultaneous method in which both amplification is sign language by the teacher to explain the phenomenon of science, math , literature or any other subject under light. Challenges Faced There are numerous issues faced by both teacher and the student alike, student more that the teachers though. The first basic and foremost challenge is one, especially to students in primary classes, is of reading and writing. As the process of learning to read is dependant on hearing and the one of writing is dependant on reading. Therefore it is the first challenge that comes across a hearing impaired child. The second problem is not directly related to the class environment but directly affects the emotional behavior of a student in class. This problem is due to a various number of interactions a hearing impaired child faces in his everyday life. His interactions with the parents, friends and the sense of social isolation all play a vital role. Teacher in these scenarios can play a vital role and sail the child from the storms of social disparities against such students (Elizibeth, 2010). Teaching Strategies Various steps can be taken by the teacher in a class for the teacher to enhance the learning abilities of a hearing impaired student and in turn have a bet ter understanding of the student. Every student with this
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Meat Industry in Kenya Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Meat Industry in Kenya - Research Paper Example The livestock marketing council found in Kenya is a private entity that plays the role of advocating for the rights of livestock traders and assists them in marketing of their products. The banks found in Kenya provide individuals and organizations with agricultural loans to boost their agricultural undertakings including livestock keeping and trading in livestock. The government of Kenya runs the management of the public body that has monopolized the meat processing sector in Kenya. This includes provision of financial support for this corporation. Most of the privately owned firms dealing with livestock and livestock products are privately run. The management of such firms supports them financially and ensure that they are run in the desired way (Ngugi 2001pp52-63). Social and cultural factors affecting the meat industry in Kenya Most of the societies living in Kenya place no restrictions to consumption of meat with the very insignificant exemption of the Indians living in this country. This therefore means that the meat industry sells most of its products to the Kenyan local community. Most of the Kenyan communities value red meat and incorporates its consumption in many of their cultural ceremonies including weddings, initiation and even burial ceremonies. This has a positive impact to the meat industry due to the large public meat consumption during the ceremonies. Kenyan communities are further divided into subcultures which hold a number of social gatherings to deliberate on issues affecting them. Most of these subcultures normally take the red meat as the main diet served during such gatherings. An infamous group that dotes on red meat when holding its social gatherings is the 'Mungiki'. Technological factors affecting meat... The paper describes the determinants of demand for meat in Kenya. The price at which meat is sold determines the demand for it. When the price of meat goes up, fewer individuals will be willing to buy it. They feel like buying the meat at a higher price takes most of the money at their disposal away. Locals prefer to buy foods that can be supplemented with meat like beans or lentils for the provision of proteins in the body. This idea is mostly influenced by an increase in the price of the meat, which makes them reluctant to buy the expensive meat and prefer cheap protein supplements. When meat substitutes cost less than the meat itself, the local demand for meat shifts to the ‘more affordable’ substitutes. The Kenyan locals for example prefer to take fish or animal organs like the intestines, kidney or liver which costs less than the meat itself. The income levels also determine meat consumption within the local Kenyan setting. With most of the households leading a poor life, meat is commonly viewed as a luxury for the rich. Hence, the humble households consume meat less while the rich ones consume meat very frequently. The above characterizes the consumption of meat within social, geographical or even cultural levels. Since meat costs much higher than most other sources of income, those people living in areas where income is high will buy more meat than those areas where income is low. Thus, the Kenyan suburbs records high meat intake, than the slums.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
EEOC REPORT QUAIL Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
EEOC REPORT QUAIL - Assignment Example Where an employee faces harassment at workplace, the best manner of coming up with an approach to the situation is to stop the person harassing the others. If the harasser is not complying with the employee’s request, the company’s HR department should be informed. Where a corporation fails to remedy the problem, and then the employee should approach an employment lower to help in pursuing legal actions (HELGEN, 2012). In this case, the employee will file a charge of religious harassment. However, employers should accommodate employee’s religious beliefs except in circumstances that will Cause the company excessive hardships. The employers should consider daily prayers and avoid giving them from work that is against their religion (HELGEN, 2012). The company should also accommodate employees certain clothing, jewelry, and symbols as demanded by their religion. Where a corporation or an employer does not comply with these practices and firing employees because of their religion, it will automatically amount to religious harassment at workplace. HELGEN, E. (2012). Religious Modernity, Lay Authority, and Covenantal Diplomacy: Themes in Recent Works on the Religious History of Mexico. Journal Of Religious History, 36(3), 404-414.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Rise of Diplomacy in US foreign Policy
Rise of Diplomacy in US foreign Policy INTRODUCTION Waging a war against any opponent has a huge impact on any nation. Its adverse effects are psychological, social, moral and economical. Although objectives if achieved through the war might prove to be beneficial in the long term but its takes decades to erase the memories of atrocities of war from the minds of general masses, especially those who are directly exposed to active warfare. Each injured soldier, demolished building and death anniversary deepens the agony of a common man. It is said a nation is pushed decades backwards in terms of economic growth after a war. In short, affording a war is not a cheaper option for any nation, irrespective of its economic power and USA is not an exception to this fact. Doctrine Change The rise in diplomacy than the military force in US foreign policy is also a by-product of economic burden that is showing its toll on US economy. According to US doctrine, America could have active engagements anywhere in the world for her interests. Previously the figure for armed conflict around the world was two full and one partial engagement. But after the economically expensive conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, they are forced to reduce that number one only. This change in doctrine is clearly evident from the reluctance displayed by Obama administration after the use of chemical weapons in Syria and Russian invasion of Ukraine. Pull out of Afghanistan is also a consequence of same change in doctrine. Financial Implications of Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq Lawrence Lindsay, National Economic Council Director of President George Bush’s administration, in an interview to â€Å"The Wall Street Journal†, estimated expenses of war in Afghanistan and Iraq between $100 billion to $200 billion. Later, he was highly criticized by his own administration for being over optimistic and had to resign due to immense pressure from within government. He also claimed that wars will be funded out of oil revenue from Iraq but instead, the Bush administration had to borrow $2 trillion from various lenders to support the wars. According to a study carried at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, following are few financial implications of War chiefly financed by US: (a) 20% of total national debt of US government was added from 2001 to 2012. (b) A total of $260 billion has been paid as interest on war debt by US government. (c) In the coming years, only the interest would amount to trillion of dollars. (d) These wars are would result in amounting as high as $6 trillion as the cost of the wars. (e) These calculations include the expenditures on 1.56 million veterans who are and will be a financial burden on US economy for their lives. Rise in diplomacy than the military force The statistics and research depict that the Obama administration does have an option but to resort to diplomacy. Liberal use of military might is not a luxury available to United States anymore. Time and again the demonstrations and anti war rallies are held in multiple US cities. The common American is not concerned with what is happening outside his small world. According to Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, $6 trillion is equivalent to $75000 for each household. This figure is more disturbing for general masses and the government is bending to the political pressure being exerted. As a consequence, Obama’s administration, after coming into office, had to shift the focus to resources in Asia. This new dimension was well supported by within government as well as by the neutral scholars and thinkers. The republicans based their election campaign on criticizing over spending on war in Asia. In the same continuation, the governments decisions to initiate exit from Afghanistan, close the war in Iraq and counter al Qaeda with more accurate antiterrorism strategies has been welcomed and appreciated by all political entities in the country. This step has also enabled the state to cut short on budget and bring major shift in foreign policy towards diplomatic result oriented strategies US Military Dimension Focusing on its military dimensions alone, it was aimed at boosting the United States defense ties with countries throughout the world and expanding the US presence. Yet these objectives are only a small chunk of the overall strategy. Actually it has economic, diplomatic, and security objectives. The new strategy intends to reallocate resources not only toward the region but also within it, by engaging more with partners in Southeast Asia. The state department realizing the strategic importance of Indian Ocean has initiated and strengthened ties with India. This has also helped to achieve the goal of countering and controlling China as a mighty power in the region. Military drawdown in Afghanistan The U.S.-Afghanistan negotiations over keeping U.S. troops in the country after the â€Å"end of combat†in 2014 have hit a new snag. With elections scheduled for next spring, Karzai is eager to remain a player so he can help elect his chosen candidate. That may be the most significant reason for his recent rejection of an almost-completed deal with Washington, which would allow around 15,000 U.S. troops to remain in the country after the official end of combat in 2014. Karzai has now staked out a position refusing to grant the U.S. forces immunity from prosecution in Afghan courts for any crimes they might commit. And the U.S. is adamant that without immunity, the troops go home. This isn’t a new idea – it’s the same issue that scuttled the potential for keeping U.S. troops in Iraq after the official withdrawal of combat troops. And it led to the complete pull-out of all U.S. troops and all Pentagon-paid contractors in 2011. In Afghanistan, we might actually see the withdrawal of all U.S. troops after more than twelve years of war and occupation. Although the military aspects of the rebalancing strategy have garnered the most attention in the media, civilian departments and agencies have also begun to shift their priorities and resources to Asia. Under the guidance of Clinton and Kurt Campbell, the assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, the State Department has deepened U.S. diplomatic engagement throughout the region. The glamorous aspects of the rebalancing toward Asia the geopolitical maneuvers and machinations, the high-stakes diplomacy, the grand strategy are only part of what will be required to make the policy successful. Just as crucial will be Washingtons focus on budgets, bureaucratic institutions, and personnel decisions, as well as its ability to continually assess the policys progress and identify areas for improvement. In an era of fiscal tightening, coming up with the necessary resources for such an ambitious program will not be easy. But because the Asia-Pacific region is fundamental to U.S. national security and the health of the U.S. economy, the rebalancing is the most valuable investment in U.S. foreign policy today
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