Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Human Genetic Engineering Debate Essay - 1823 Words
Science is moving forward at an increasing rate every day. Just in the past decade, there have been numerous new discoveries in astronomy, chemistry, geology, paleontology, and many more scientific fields. However, some of the fastest growing subjects are in the field of biological sciences, more specifically genetics. Over the past twenty years a new genetic science known as genetic engineering has come to prominence. Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of an organism’s genome using biotechnology, including a human’s genome. As a result, scientists have begun to experiment with altering human traits, known as â€Å"designer babies.†In response, many issues have arisen culturally, as perspectives argue whether or not the application†¦show more content†¦Dr. Philip M Rosoff, the director of clinical ethics at Duke University Hospital, has considered this issue. He created a â€Å"thought experiment†regarding the testing and indicates t hat the potential dangers of implementing genetic enhancements in humans, especially highly valued traits such as intelligence, would mandate thorough testing on animals, specifically chimpanzees. The tests on them would either show good or bad results, and depending upon those outcomes, the determination of the future of the science will be decided. Hypothetically speaking, if the experiments on increasing the intelligence of the chimpanzees are effective, then we as humans are left with some huge dilemmas. One, we will have to decide whether to continue testing on more apes or not, two, is the continuation of the science ethical, and three, what do we do with these new highly intelligent chimpanzees? Rosoff suggests multiple theories on what to do with the apes. We can put them in human enclosures fortified for chimps of higher intelligence, put them into the wild to start a new population of intelligent life forms, or, considering their level of intelligence is up to par, is to l et them into society and see how not only the chimps react, but society as well. â€Å"Everyday people would be onlookers toShow MoreRelatedThe Debate On Human Genetic Engineering2124 Words  | 9 PagesLong Stance Paper on Human Genetic Engineering The debate on whether human genetic engineering should be researched and used as the main alternative solution to disease have been going on since the creation of the human genetic engineering phenomenon. The ethical question is clear: should money be invested in human genetic engineering and should we research it at all, even if it is formally criticized by all monotheistic religions? 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